Batik; The Old Man
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Flac or Wav 24/96 Studio Master download available at;
''The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. The brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were
on his cheeks. The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased
scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.
Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.''
from ''The Old Man and the Sea'' Ernest Hemingway
''I've been among the prophets saying that high-resolution downloads are the future of audiophile music sales.''
Frans de Rond and Peter Bjørnild have taken this approach with Sound Liaison, producing recordings available only in 24-bit/96kHz downloads that mirror the master recording. And man, are they ever sweet. I've seldom heard recordings that were so successful in both performance and sound aspects.''
Rad Bennett, SoundStage!
The 9 pieces of music were performed live in the studio in front of a select audience.The musicians were placed in front of a stereo pair of microphones with additional spot microphones on each instrument. The musicians were playing without headphones, the reason being that we believe that when we get the musicians to play together in the same room, without headphones, it creates a number of musical and technical benefits:
As they are not ''separated'' by the headphones, the musicians, in order to hear each other are forced to create a natural and musical balance, a balance which is then easily captured by the main stereo pair of microphones. Because of the natural and musical balance the need for compression to control levels is no longer necessary. Since everybody is in the same room, the boxed sound which is so common in many modern recordings is absent and the sound of the room helps ''glue'' the sound of the recording.
Like the famous fabric from the Far East the music of Batik consist of multicolored lines creating fascinating patterns, blending traditional forms with new ideas and letting spontaneous interaction merge the elements into a very original sound. BATIK is the latest brainchild of ECM recording artist Wolfert Brederode and Joost Lijbaart. With guitarist Ed Verhoeff and bass guitarist Mark Haanstra they have formed a quartet capable of visual and inventive music making.
Guitar: Audio Technica 4080
Piano: Neumann TLM 170
Bas: Avenson Audio IsoDI, JZV67
Drums: SE Rn17 - overheads and JZ V67 - bassdrum
Main system - Schoeps MK5
Micpre's: RME Micstacy
Microphone cables: Grimm Audio TPR
Mixing headphones: Sennheiser HD800
Mixing speakers: Grimm Audio LS1
Master clock: Grimm Audio CC1