BORDERLAND performed by HELY
Online Video
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Album "Borderland" coming in March 2018 on Ronin Rhythm Records:
BORDERLAND performed live by HELY at Reinbeckhallen Berlin
Piano: Lucca Fries
Drums: Jonas Ruther
Directed by Florian Baron
Cinematography: Johannes Waltermann, Timon Schäppi
Sound by Martin Ruch
Camera assistants: Evgeny Revvo, Jana Fitzner
Light control: Ted Carls
HELY - Piano and drums trance jazz. A characteristic, multifaceted sound, virulent rhythmic flows and euphoric improvisation, echoes of minimalism and intensifying staccati, powerful dynamics and trance-like atmosphere.
Upcoming concerts:
21.03. Theater am Gleis, Winterthur
23.03. Literaturcafé Biel
20.04. Circolo Turba, Lugano
26.04. Exil, Zürich
04.05. Noch besser leben, Leipzig (DE)
05.05. Bandfabrik Wuppertal (DE)
11.05. Bejazz, Bern