Lets take this outside
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Topic: Lets take this outside
Posted By: js
Subject: Lets take this outside
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2012 at 3:41am
A famous quote from composer Charles Ives regarding new music:
"Stop being such a God-damned sissy! Why can't you stand up before fine strong music like this and use your ears like a man?" - At a 1931 concert of Ives's and Ruggles's music, a man booed during one of Ruggles's works
Posted By: js
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2012 at 3:46am
This poll is about the people who invented avant-garde jazz, I'm sure I forgot somebody
My vote goes to Sun Ra, love that sense of humor and contrary attitude.
Posted By: snobb
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2012 at 5:06am
You forgot Eric Dolphy
Voted for Ayler, not because he was the best, but because I just subjectively like him more from the list of equal giants. The others I would like to vote besides of Ayler are John & Alice Coltranes, Archie Shepp, Eric Dolphy...
Posted By: js
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2012 at 8:41am
Actually Dolphy is one of my favorites too. You always forget somebody..
Posted By: darkshade
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2012 at 10:36am
Ornette Coleman for me, Sun Ra was a close second. " rel="nofollow">
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------------- http://www.last.fm/user/MysticBoogy" rel="nofollow - My Last.fm
Posted By: Abraxas
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2012 at 12:18pm
Hmm, I'll say Pharoah Sanders although he probably is the less avant-garde. I love how he continued and developed Coltrane's A Love Supreme-style of work.
Archie Shepp is up there.
I probably like the less avant works of Sun Ra.
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2012 at 6:23pm
snobb wrote:
You forgot Eric Dolphy
Voted for Ayler, not because he was the best, but because I just subjectively like him more from the list of equal giants. The others I would like to vote besides of Ayler are John & Alice Coltranes, Archie Shepp, Eric Dolphy...
Indeed... Impulse!'s New Thing was THE avant-garde for me... though it (free-jazz/Avant) started sooner than the birth of that great orange label
------------- my music collection increased tenfolds when I switched from drug-addicted musicians to crazy ones....
Posted By: Kazuhiro
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2012 at 9:11pm
I went to Ornette Coleman. I have some albums of Ornette Coleman, and it likes all. However, I have a favorite by an album unit about the musician with reference to a list.
I still often hear the avant-garde performance that Anthony Braxton and Marion Brown went. Or it is David S. Ware and David Murray.
Posted By: HURBRET
Date Posted: 15 Sep 2012 at 11:59am
McCoy Tyner, I love those quartal voicings.
Posted By: dreadpirateroberts
Date Posted: 15 Sep 2012 at 12:25pm
Though I like what I've heard from a few of these names, and how much I like Tyner and Keith, I actually have more Alice Coltrane than any other single artist on the list, and so I've voted there
------------- We are men of action. Lies do not become us.
http://www.jazzmusicarchives.com/dreadpirateroberts%28member%29.aspx?reviews=all/" rel="nofollow - Reviews...
Posted By: Cannonball With Hat
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2012 at 4:38am
It's hard to get me to not vote for Sun Ra in a poll. Brotzmann and Coleman would round out my top three.
------------- Hit it on Five.
Saxophone Scatterbrain Blitzberg
Stab them in the ears.
Posted By: bytor2112
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2012 at 11:05pm
I know very few of these, hopefully that will soon change as I find Avant-Garde Jazz very intriguing. Anyways, I voted for Coleman, I'm really enjoying his stuff so far.
Posted By: pinknote
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2013 at 2:23pm
For what albums does Keith Jarrett count? At least out of the albums I have listened to, only Nude Ants would count as avant...
Many favorites here, but I decided to vote for Don Cherry.
Posted By: snobb
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2013 at 2:35pm
Keith Jarrett played avant-garde jazz on some his early (mostly US-quartet's) albums
Posted By: triceratopsoil
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2013 at 2:41pm
Sun Ra is simply the man
------------- http://www.last.fm/user/TullDerGraff" rel="nofollow">