Live vs. Concert recordings
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Topic: Live vs. Concert recordings
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Subject: Live vs. Concert recordings
Date Posted: 12 May 2011 at 5:13am
As we all know, the template of JMA was imported from MMA, which is conceptually built around the way certain notions are perceived in rock/metal music.
One of the notions where the rock mentality does not converge with the jazz mentality is the one regarding studio recordings and the production of what we call "albums". In my opinion, the list of album types that came with the template does not fit jazz music.
A lot of what we call "albums" in jazz are recorded live. Either in a studio or on a well wired scene, the music is played "live", together, and not like in rock/pop music, where each musician tracks his instrument sepparately, to be later mixed together by the producer.
But such jazz albums aren't considered "live" albums, and even on JMA they are (correctly IMO) listed as "albums".
My proposal is to change the "Live" album type to "Concert", a move that should clarify the two concepts in the jazz context. In the rock/pop/metal context, the "live in studio" album is a rare occurence and a tricky issue in what categorization is concerned.
Posted By: Kazuhiro
Date Posted: 12 May 2011 at 6:07am
"Studio album" and "Live album"
These are "LIVE. " for me all
I think that Jazz is live. Or, improvisation.
I am always enjoying Jazz in a word in the part where it was transcended because the form and details of the recording of the album are understood.
Just minority opinion
Posted By:
Date Posted: 16 May 2011 at 10:32am
Posted By: Pekka
Date Posted: 19 May 2011 at 12:05am