Post Bop / Progressive Big Band • United States
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Born in Gilmer (Texas) in 1950, he was four years old, when he began to play the piano. Finishing high school, in 1968 he had performed on most of the instruments in the school band, and sang in several choirs. It was this graduating year, that he entered Texas Southern University at Houston, Texas. At this university he received his first music lessons. While in Houston he met and became good friends with ARNET COBB. He toured with JOHNNY COPLAND and another summer stint was done with JOE TURNER. From 1970 to 1978 he was in the U.S. Navy as a radar technician. During this period he was limited to play in local groups in and near the cities to which he was stationed. He played R&B, Rock, with symphony orchestras, country and western groups, and toured with gospel choir. While he was in Spain, he toured with the rock group IMAN. In 1978 through 1979 he
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