Andreas Mayerhofer (* 17. February 1966 in Krems at the Danube (Austria) is an Austrian jazz pianist.
After his/its classic study of the Viennese conservatory from 1984 to 1988 (clarinet and piano), he/it turned mainly to the jazz. There were first ensembles and CD receptions among others with the Austrian saxophonist Christian Maurer and the Australian guitarist Peter O'Mara. A long-time cooperation with the Romanian saxophonist Nicola Simion followed. Andreas Mayerhofer leads an independent piano trio concerning with the austro-amerikanischen bass player Wayne Darling and the drummer Gerald Endstrasser.Sein to the European music tradition, "Dirt Stream" (among others) manifests itself in his/its project with Wolfgang Reisinger.
He/it played among others with Tomasz Sta.ko, Raul de Souza and Kenny Wheeler.
bio by Wikipedia