Post-Fusion Contemporary / Eclectic Fusion / 21st Century Modern / Jazz Related Soundtracks / Jazz Related Improv/Composition / Fusion • Denmark
Jakob Bro (born April 11, 1978) is a Danish jazz guitarist. Bro has never received any musical training besides short periods spent at the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, the Berklee College of Music in Boston and New School University in New York. In the jazzworld Jakob Bro is known both for his solo releases, his Jakob Bro trio and his membership as sideman in Polish trumpeter Tomasz Stańko Quintet and Poul Motian Band.
He is known outside the jazz world for his involvement with bands and artists such as Got You On Tape, Teitur and Steffen Brandt and he has embarked on a successful career as a solo artist.
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