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This entirely instrumental studio project features Simon Hosford on guitar, Phil Turcio on keyboards, Evripides Evripidou on bass and drummer supreme Virgil Donati on drums & keys. Special guests: guitarists T.J. Helmerich (3 tracks), Brett Garsed (2 tracks), and bassist Ricc Fierbracci (4 tracks). To label the music of On the Virg, would be downright difficult. While there is an obvious metal feel, the harmonic level of sophistication and complex arrangements elevate this above standard prog/ metal fare. The maturity of the musicians and their sensitive interaction prevent this from being just another technical showcase. The drumming acrobatics of Donati truly make this a recording worth seeking out. His rhythmic abilities are on a par with Dave Weckl, while his footwork will give the speediest thrash metal drummers a fit. If a term was to be used; Jazz-Metal would not be far from the target. After hearing Serious Young Insects, one has
Thanks to snobb for the addition
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