Rantama Trio has risen to become one of the most promising young Finnish bands. The music is based upon rich melodies, tight mastery of their instruments and juicy grooves. Influences drawn from jazz, rock and prog create an interesting, fresh and modern musical experience to the listener. Top-notch collective playing and almost ecstatic improvisation are also included in the trademarks of the band. With these virtues the power trio weaves the audience into it's grasp, sometimes gently and sometimes using a bit more force. People from all over the world have been lucky to experience the trio.
We recorded our still-hot album at a pretty quick pace at Tampere Mediapolis on a weekend in October 2015. Our sound-engineer Aapo Partanen was responsible for the recording sessions and also did the mixing and mastering. The dream-like covers of the album were conjured by a great artist, Petri Lampela.
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