Behold the massive sound that is Valtozash, Australia’s first jazz-metal big band. It’s a seventeen-piece thrash against your jazz-bone; it’s a jab in the eye with a sopranino saxophone; a punch in the jaws with a 24” trash cymbal. Your genre-bone will snap; your teeth will hurt; your ears will bleed with delight; your heart will fraternise with a bass drum; you’ll crave trumpet for breakfast. You’ll try your hardest to like Valtozash, realise you hate it passionately but keep listening because you hate everything else slightly less. The harmony, texture and improvisation of jazz mixed with the energy and brutality of metal comes together to create a filthy love child you can’t help but adore. Under the oppression of Andre Bonetti, composer and electric-vibraphonist, Valtozash has among the hottest players in Brisbane and boasts a thirteen piece horn section.