Duke Ellington The Jeep is Jumpin
Online Video
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Duke Ellington
"let jump the Jeep"
4X28B .......................................................
Hello Friends:
Hello Friends of Art and Life:
You like to see A new Child Service Patent to manipulate the Honourable Justice Madam Flatter on November 9, 2006, also to manipulate the Honourable Alberta Jusice?
Please go to:
Also on the table with the computer that is the supervisor paid by the Alberta Government (Child Services Calgary)
I am in the front with a camera in the hand a second camera is at this time in the next room corner. Sometimes I work with four or fife cameras.
This video is 3hour and 15 min long. On the cut you can see the supervisor get a text message, he is happy about this, he controls the text message from the blackberry with his written report (at this time) on the computer etc. After checking the text in his report he started, same a matman, to write some ordered things from the Blackberry in the report.
The manipulated reports, paid by the government of Alberta . . . Used by Ms. Iredale (the Government lawyer) also Ms Iredale presented on November 9, 2006 to the Honourable Judge Madam Flatter the ordered manipulated reports, written by Prof Matt Pelchy.
Also the government lawyer Ms. Iredale manipulated the Honourable Justice Madam Flatter, this to make our Grandson mentally sick.
The Honorable Judge Madam Flatter was also manipulated by the ordered manipulated reports presented from the Government of Alberta, Ms Iredale.
I never saw the reports, and the Honourable Justice Madam Flatter told me I have no right to see the reports, but you can red the court transcript. Every thing is manipulated.
Please go to my Website: 1. http://www.janok.net scroll to the bottom and click on "ROSES' or "black and with" to read some true facts incl. the profs, and the court transcript from November 9, 2006. The letter to the Minister etc.
Who ordered the "manipulated reports?" The Government lawyer Ms. Iredale, because she presented the "manipulated Reports" to the Honourable Justice Madam Flatter; a Minister? ; who did this criminal . . . ?
We need a Public inquiry, also, please printout and fill out the Petition form. Thank you so much.
Please Print and fill out the Petition form to protect the Moms and Children and Families in Alberta to be torture and manipulated and killed.
Please Print and fill out the Petition form to STOP the manipulation from the Honourable Court of Alberta, and justice is Justice and not manipulation.
Please inform all your friends, MLA from the Parties, (Abgeordnete von allen Parteien) Newspaper, Radio Stations, TV Stations, Human rights Minister, Human rights groups etc. in your area, in your Country by informing and questioning for filling out the "Petition form."
And please questioning our Honourable Premier of Alberta Mr. Ed Stellmach in written form,
And questioning our old Justice Minister the Honorable Mr. Ron Stevens in written form, now Premier . . . in Calgary. The Honorable Ron Stevens, QC, Minister of Justice informed The Honorable Ralph Klein, Premier of Alberta and all Government Members of Alberta per letter.
Thank you for your help and time.
God Bless you, janok and Heinz
Calgary September 21, 2007