Just A Glimpse (by Philipp Wisser, Ruven Weithöner, Christoph Klenner, Malte Winter, Marvin Andrä)
Online Video
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Just A Glimpse is part of the debut record "Just A Glimpse" by Philipp Wisser. The whole record is available at https://www.shopsick.de (CD) and https://philippwisser.bandcamp.com/releases (CD + digital). Hope you enjoy and thanks for the support!
Philipp Wisser - guitar, composition
Ruven Weithöner - trumpet
Christoph Klenner - tenor saxophone
Malte Winter - bass
Marvin Andrä - drums
Video directed and edited by Noël Lardon (@Noel Bullfrog)
Camera A - Daniel Langemann
Camera B - Richard Eisenach
Camera C - Noël Lardon
Audio recording and mix by Hanno Poths
recorded at R25 - Kulturschlachthof, Düsseldorf
produced by Philipp Wisser
Supported by Initiative Musik gGmbH with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.