Tip of the Day: Rich Ruth - I Survived, It's Over (Third Man)
Online Video
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FIND OUT MORE: https://www.theslowmusicmovement.org/blog/rich-ruth-i-survived-its-over-third-man
Great to hear Rich Ruth back and climbing the record label league table with Third Man records, but buckle in as his latest LP is a wild lysergic benzodiazepine, golden age jazz trip, with the spiritual and New Age moments offering momentary cosmic breathing space between the intensity of the free spirited sonic waves. How the hell he pulled it off with remote recordings makes it even more remarkable!
The track in the video is, "Desensitization and Reprocessing", but the whole LP is amazing - check it out.
Rich Ruth: https://www.instagram.com/mrichruth/
Third Man:https://thirdmanstore.com
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