Sofia Rubina & Kaunas big band, Lithuania
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Sofia Rubina – viena ryškiausiu Estijos vokalisciu, irodžiusi savo verte daugybeje pasaulio scenu, nuo dideliu festivaliu iki legendinio Niujorko klubo „Blue Note“.

Scenoje ši atlikeja švencia gyvenima kviesdama pasinerti i platu žanru spektra – nuo tiesioginiu džiazo standartu, improvizaciju ir vintažiniu dainu skambesio iki pop, soul ir elektro muzikos.
Festivalio scenoje Sofia surengs pasirodyma su Kauno bigbendu, be kurio jau neisivaizduojamas nei vienas džiazo ivykis Lietuvoje. Jau tris dešimtmecius gyvuojantis džiazo orkestras (vyr. dirigentas Jievaras Jasinskis) tapo svarbiausiu šalies džiazo ivykiu liudininku, dalyviu ir kureju. Kauno bigbendo muzika skamba ir prestižinese koncertu salese ir daugiatukstantinese arenose. Beveik visi musu šalies džiazo meistrai turi savo brangiu akimirku su Kauno bigbendu. Taciau svarbiausia šio kolektyvo ambicija – ne sensaciju vaikymasis, o profesionalumas ir džiazo sklaida.

Festivalio scenoje Sofia Rubina su Kaunobigbendu pristatys projekta TRIBUTE TO ELLA FITZGERALD, legendines Ellos Fitzgerald dainos. 
Prabagus, žerintis susitikimas su legendines Ellos Fitzgerald dainomis, kurias ši kart žiurovui patieks žavingoji Sofia Rubina-Hunter (Estija) kartu su Kauno bigbendu. Nors prabego jau daugiau nei šimtmetis, taciau džiazo ir vokalo simboliu, pirmaja džiazo ledi tituluojamos dainininkes gyvenimas toliau pletojamas, prisimenamos, o jos dainos interpretuojamos be pauziu ar stabtelejimu. Kauno bigbendo koncertine programa „Tribute to Ella Fitzerald“ kviecia i aristokratiškai pasimatyma su Ella Fitzgerald ir džiazo atlikeja Sofia Rubina-Hunter. Nors abi džiazo dainininkes skiria šimtmetis, bet kai kas jas suartina… Tai – saviti šiu atlikeju tembrai, ju demesys ir jautrumas atliekamam turiniui, platus diapazonai, balsu švarumas ir improvizaciju žaisme. O svarbiausiai – abieju repertuare dainos, kurios apima beveik pilna abecele: nuo vaikiškai mielos „A“ („A Tisket A Tasket“) iki vodeviliškai gracingu „Y“ ir „T“ („You’re the Top“). Tai trumpa, bet isimintina džiazo muzikos kelione.


Sofia Rubina - one of the brightest vocalists from Estonia, has proven her worth on numerous world stages, from major festivals to the legendary New York club "Blue Note."

Onstage, this performer celebrates life by inviting the audience to immerse themselves in a wide spectrum of genres - from straightforward jazz standards, improvisations, and vintage tunes to pop, soul, and electronic music.

At the festival, Sofia will perform with the Kaunas Big Band, without which no jazz event in Lithuania can be imagined. This jazz orchestra, led by conductor Jievaras Jasinskis, has been a witness, participant, and creator of the most important jazz events in the country for three decades. The music of the Kaunas Big Band resonates in prestigious concert halls and large arenas. Almost all of our country's jazz masters have cherished moments with the Kaunas Big Band. However, the main ambition of this collective is not to seek sensationalism but to promote professionalism and the spread of jazz.

On the festival stage, Sofia Rubina, along with the Kaunas Big Band, will present the project "TRIBUTE TO ELLA FITZGERALD," featuring the legendary Ella Fitzgerald's songs.

This magnificent and shining encounter with the legendary Ella Fitzgerald's songs will be delivered to the audience by the charming Sofia Rubina-Hunter (Estonia) together with the Kaunas Big Band. Although more than a century has passed, the life of the jazz and vocal symbol, the first lady of jazz, continues to unfold, her songs remembered, and her interpretations continue without pauses or interruptions. The concert program "Tribute to Ella Fitzgerald" by the Kaunas Big Band invites you to an aristocratic meeting with Ella Fitzgerald and jazz performer Sofia Rubina-Hunter. Although the two jazz singers are separated by a century, some aspects bring them closer together... It's their unique timbres, attention, and sensitivity to the content they perform, wide vocal ranges, purity of voices, and improvisational playfulness. And, most importantly, both of their repertoires include songs that cover almost the entire alphabet: from the endearing "A Tisket A Tasket" to the vaudevillian "You're the Top." It's a short but memorable jazz music journey.
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Added by snobb 1 year ago


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