Rifflet & Irabagon - Perpetual Motion (A Celebration of Moondog)
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Taken from "Perpetual Motion (A Celebration of Moondog)"
Released September 2014 on JazzVillage
Qobuz : http://bit.ly/ACelebrationOfMoondogHD
iTunes : http://bit.ly/ACelebrationOfMoondogMP3
Spotify : http://bit.ly/ACelebrationOfMoondogSPTF
Deezer : http://bit.ly/ACelebrationOfMoondogDZR
Sylvain Rifflet FB Page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sylvain-Rifflet/354769971301258
Jon Irabagon FB Page : https://www.facebook.com/jonirabagonmusic
Label FB Page : https://www.facebook.com/jazzvillagemusic
Label Website : http://www.jazzvillagemusic.com
Directed by Arthur Rifflet and produced by La Huit.
All images in the concert are by Maxence Rifflet.
Recorded live by Adrian Bourget at Bobigny - Salle Pablo Neruda during the 30th Banlieues Bleues Festival on April 12th 2013.
Additional recordings at Studio l'Art Scène in Bourgouin-Jallieu, May 2014.
Activiste très en vue de la nouvelle scène française, le saxophoniste Sylvain Rifflet possède une culture musicale qui va bien au-delà du jazz et qui passe aussi par les avant-gardes du rock et les musiques contemporaines. Dans ce projet multimédia audacieux conçu avec son complice Jon Irabagon, il fait revivre l'art et l'esprit de Moondog, ce clochard céleste de New York qui a notamment côtoyé et inspiré Charlie Parker, Allen Ginsberg et Philip Glass. Ce subtil travail de réécriture, modèle de recréation inventive, est présenté ici dans ses deux versions audio et vidéo.
A prominent activist on the new French music scene, the saxophonist Sylvain Rifflet has a musical culture that goes far beyond jazz, taking in experimental rock and contemporary music of all sorts.
In this daring multimedia project, conceived in collaboration with fellow saxophonist Jon Irabagon, Rifflet has breathed new life into the art and spirit of Moondog, the hallowed New York tramp who rubbed shoulders with the great and the good, inspiring the likes of Charlie Parker, Allen Ginsberg and Philip Glass. This subtle reworking, a blueprint for creative reinvention, is available here in both audio and video versions.