Album · 2012
1-1 Insouciance 4:24
1-2 L'Etang Change 14:30
1-2a A Tâtons
1-2b Alexandrins Africains
1-2c Après La Basse Taille
1-2d Orgue A Bouche
1-2e Raisonnance
1-2f Va Et Viens
1-2g L'Acrobate
1-2h Tout Est Possible
1-2i Pigin'
1-3 Vive La Commune 4:45
1-4 Cococorico (Non A La Profitation) 2:09
1-5 Blues Variations 17:51
1-5a Miles
1-5b Goya
1-5c Mélomodie
1-5d Blues Pour Miguel Enriquez
1-5e Blues Variations 17:51
1-6a Off Minor
1-6b Insouciance 6:08
2-1 L'Héritage (A Duke Ellington) 17:37
2-1a Ballade Des Parfums
2-1b Jungle Des Villes
2-1c Les Fleurs Du Grand Cronope
2-1d Fat's
2-1e Prelude To A Kiss
2-1f Swing With Duke
2-1g Solitude
2-2 A Patchwork (For Don Cherry And Ed Blackwell) 10:12
2-2a Patchwork
2-2b La Grand-Mère
2-2c Don Cherry Blue
2-2c Au Chat Qui Pêche
2-3 Friday The 13th 3:06
2-4 A L'Origine (A Bud Powell) 12:59
2-4a Babby Bud
2-4b D'Artagnan
2-4c Blues For Bud
2-4d Emanation Impromptue
2-5 Gallop's Gallop 2:20
Piano – François Tusques
About this release
Improvising Beings – ib15 (France)
Recorded, Mixed, Edited and Mastered, 2012
Thanks to snobb for the addition