Album · 2000
1 As the Sound of Many Waters for solo flute (1998) 13:38
2 Violet for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, and two marimbas (1994-95)
3 Gihon for solo violin (1995)
4 The King's Way for soprano, flute, bassoon, violin, cello, harp, percussion, and piano (1989)
5 I. The Prayer of Thanksgiving
6 II. Prayer Through Strife
7 III. Resolution 3:09
8 Like Jasper and Carnelian for solo flute (1997)
James Newton, flute
San Francisco Contemporary Music Players:
Tod Brody, flute;
William Wohlmacher, clarinet;
Rufus Olivier, bassoon;
Roy Malan, violin;
Stephen Harrison, cello;
Thomas Schultz, piano;
Karen Gottlieb, harp;
Daniel Kennedy, William Winant, percussion.
David Milnes, Guest Conductor
About this release
Anthology of
Thanks to snobb for the addition