Man what a moody album, there's this depressive feeling the album gives yet it's Feels like I am being swallowed alive by the grimy, sludgy streets of a depressed big city. This album has elements of jazz, trip hop, post rock and psychedelia and man this album is a journey, I love the intense emotions on Slush Puppy and the samba influenced Dum Surfer and the trip hop of Biscuit Town, there's so many genres at play here yet they all fit in here, nothing feels out of place. There's low moody saxophones there's jazzy hip hop beats and punk rock bass lines and coming together to make this unique mood. And while this is a very unique sounding album there's moments here that sound like a jazzy version of SLINT's SPIDERLAND. With 19 tracks you can't go wrong with how big this album is, sure it may be a dit hard to keep up with but this album deserves multiple listens