Album · 1980
A1 Loaded
A2 Martians Stay Home
A3 The Lady In Red
A4 Amber Leaves
B1 Bill
B2 Barbaro
B3 Peals
B4 12th Street Rag
B5 Easy
Bass – Curtis Counce (tracks: A1, A3, B2, B4), Ralph Peña (tracks: A2, A4, B1, B3, B5)
Drums – Shelly Manne
Piano – Lou Levy (tracks: A2, A4, B1, B3, B5), Pete Jolly (tracks: A1, A3, B2, B4)
Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Clarinet – Jimmy Giuffre
Trumpet, Flugelhorn – Shorty Rogers
About this release
Atlantic – K50714 (US)
All the selections on this album were recorded at Capitol Studios in Hollywood, California, and have not been released before.
A1, B1, B4 and A3 were recorded on March 1, 1955.
B2 on October 21, 1955.
A2, A4, B3 and B5 on November 3, 1955.
Thanks to snobb for the addition