Live album · 2004
1-1 Krung Thep Cut-Up
1-2 Nibiru
1-3 Seat Belts Cause Cancer
1-4 Not In My League
1-5 United Airlines Theme 2001
1-6 Insurance
1-7 WFMU Station ID "Palmer"
1-8 Batman Theme
1-9 LAIRD HENN "Straight Out The Mental Ward"
1-10 Cautionary Signal #1
1-11 Neptune Detours
1-12 Krung Thep Cut-Out
1-13 Unplayable
1-14 Eastern Air Command
1-15 Masonic Funeral
2-1 The Rite Of Spring Thing
2-2 The GHENGIS-Necro-Nama-KHAN Pt 1
2-3 Post-Jet Groove
2-4 Franco De Gaulle
2-5 The Peacock Angel
2-6 The GHENGIS-Necro-Nama-KHAN Pt 2
2-7 The Rod Serling Stomp
2-8 WFMU Station ID "Bison"
2-9 Swept Away
2-0 SPECS ONE "Genosha"
2-11 Shaghai Satellite
2-12 Cautionary Signal #2
2-13 The GHENGIS-Necro-Nama-KHAN Pt 3
2-14 Where Is WHAT IT WAS?
About this release
Abduction – ABDT027 (US)
Originally created for and aired on Brian Turner's WFMU show on 11/12/02
Thanks to snobb for the addition