There is a reason why I have a great admiration for Taiguara. The past albums are great, and he is a superb musician, but its in his last two works that his political voice gain more sound and reverberation.
"Canções de Amor e Liberdade" (Songs of Love and Freedom), is the kind of album that shows an ageing musician dealing with themes new and old, in a new way. He gave attention both to more traditional tecniques as to a great bit of improvisation and experimentation. The whole album is filled with a communist reading of brazilian and latinamerican reality, as Taiguara were, by 1983, already in touch with Karl Marx and Lenin works, besides becoming a comrade of the communist leader Luiz Carlos Prestes.
The interesting is that his music is not "affected" by his politics: its accesible yet bold; popular yet scholar. As great music should be.