World Fusion • Turkmenistan
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The history of this renowned ensemble goes back to 1970. At first the ensemble was a part of State TV and Radio Company of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic as a vocal group with supporting instruments.Later the composition of the group began to change as young people joined it.The group began to play jazz-rock tightly intertwined with the Oriental tradition. Gunesh' has always been in the process of reforming and was one of the first and best to organically combine the similar principles of the melodious improvisation on traditional mugams and jazz improvisation. The unexpectedly beautiful arrangements appeared,and polyrhythmic compositions with odd measure were further developed thematically.All this was appraised at the Moscow competition 'With a Song on the Life' in 1977,where the ensemble became a prize-winner.The Organising Committee of the Festival 'Spring Rhythms' in Tbilisi (1980) named Rishad Shafi the best drummer,and Stanislav Morozov the best saxophonist. That same year group released their first LP with 'Melodiya' with traditional read more...
Thanks to snobb for the addition

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GUNESH Гунеш (Gunesh) album cover 4.23 | 4 ratings
Гунеш (Gunesh)
World Fusion 1980
GUNESH Вижу Землю (I See The Earth) album cover 4.48 | 5 ratings
Вижу Землю (I See The Earth)
World Fusion 1984
GUNESH 45° in a Shadow album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
45° in a Shadow
World Fusion 2000

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GUNESH Rishad Shafi Presents Gunesh album cover 4.50 | 3 ratings
Rishad Shafi Presents Gunesh
World Fusion 1999

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GUNESH Reviews

GUNESH Вижу Землю (I See The Earth)

Album · 1984 · World Fusion
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The second album fusing East-West musical styles and sounds from this Turkmenistani band. Funky, proggy Jazz-Rock World Fusion from Turkmenistan, the band's self-titled debut album from four years before is a personal favorite of mine, happily straddling several musical genres with their native folk melodies and instruments woven integrally into their jazz-oriented music, making them a real pioneer of World Fusion.

Side 1 1. "Байконур / Baikonur" (5:02) fast-moving funk-clavinet opens this one, alone, before flanged dynamic fretless electric bass and the rest of the band join in. The motif is fast and repetitive, with stop and go restarts almost every six or seven seconds over the song's first two minutes, and some cutesie percussion noises topping things off from time to time. Early in the third minute the funk motif shuts down and we're left with a spacey synth and electric piano sound over which percussives, rhythm guitar, and native traditional accordion-sounding instrument play a slow and frozen theme before horn section, bass, and the rest of the full band rejoin to celebrate a kind of mariachi-sounding ethnic jazz theme. Interesting! These musicians are definitely competent and dialed in! (9/10)

2. "Бу Дерды / Bu Derdy" (7:44) drums and percussive synth sound duet for the speedy, demanding opening half minute of this one. Then we interlude with some long "distant" sax notes over spaced-out chord hits following an unpredictable progression. It's like we're on a journey: first speeding down the road, then climbing up the arduous mountain, then enjoying the sights from the lofty, even above clouds heights--this latter performed by pixie dust synth flourishes over angelic synth washes. A god-like voice enters to make some announcement or proclamation (in a language I have no experience with) before backing off for an ensuing conversation between pixies and vocoder-fed voice. Then we transition into a synth- and electric piano-supported hand drum motif over which male vocalist sings in an style that sounds more akin to Islamic religious or Arabian dance music (sometimes I cannot distinguish between the two: both seem so celebratory, even religiously-charged). The melodies of the synth tracks are cleverly integrated into a weave with the vocalist's melody--which is later picked up by what sounds like a sarod or swarmandal before yielding back to the vocalist for the finish. Another very interesting song whose compositional construction leaves me a bit baffled--especially since I don't know the translations of the song title; they sound as if they're trying to compose something that conveys a variety of scenes from a journey. It is a very intriguing, entertaining, and even enjoyable song if a bit poorly recorded. (13.375/15)

3. "Восточный Экспресс / Oriental Express" (3:32) How would citizens of Turkmenistan know of the Oriental Express? Drums and flanged keyboard bass open this before horn section joins in to set up the next motif--which includes a flanged electric bass with all of the horns and big band. Halfway through there is a stoppage after which the band launches into a speedy funky space tune that sounds somewhat imitative of both Jean-Luc Ponty and German bands like ELOY. The bass lines are great, western-style kit drumming tight, and the native guitar playing quite melodic. (8.75/10)

Side 2 4. "Ритмы Кавказа / Rhythms Of The Caucasus" (8:25) another thickly grounded funk bass and drum tune over which violin, electrified guitars and native guitars take turns playing the rapid-fire riffs that make up the traditional-sounding folk-melodies. In the third or fourth minute things stop and a more faith-based tune is set in motion: with violin and male voice picking up the plaintive dirge while a subtly shifting chord of synth-male choir "aah/oohs" drone in the background. I really love this kind of music: it sounds so mystical and devotional. At the 5:00 mark there is another stop and reset, this time into a motif with a fast two-step rhythmic foundation over which violin, local percussion instruments, and guitars speed through their locally popular melodies. An extended hand drum solo in the seventh minute sets up a dynamic return of all of the other folk instruments for the high speed finish. Nice stuff but, again, how/why the three totally different motifs? (17.5/20)

5. "Ветер С Берегов Ганга / Wind From The Gang" (4:32) reverbed violin plays over tabla-like drums giving the opening of this song a rather early-Shakti sound--the main difference here is that keyboard synths are the other contributing soloist instead of a John McLaughlin guitar. Then Middle Eastern synth chords back sarod-like instrument before the synth strings takeover by themselves. Nice electric piano base takes over with the tabla before Indian- or Chinese-sounding bowed string instrument takes the lead. Very pleasant, engaging, and enjoyable song. (I'm a real sucker for this kind of music.) (9.25/10)

6. "Вьетнамские Фрески / Vietnamese Frescoes" (4:20) despite the electric bass and Western drums and electric violin presence, the melodies explored here by the violin, keyboard artist, and traditional string and percussion instruments definitely succeeds in the imitation of what sounds to my uneducated ears like music and melodies that could come from Vietnam. The choppy staccato keyboard-synth sounds taking over the song's second half are interesting--sounding more space-industrial like something from a Larry Fast SYNERGY or Patrick Moraz I album, but then full drum play rises into the mix and then the rest of the rock instruments, letting the song end strongly like something from a BRAND X or JEFF BECK Wired album. I adore the final motif, am intrigued by the middle synth one, and am impressed by the successful capture in the opening section of of Southeast Asian sounds and melodies. (8.875/10)

Total time 33:35

The music of these highly-skilled musicians is all over the place: with funky bass and drums, proggy electric keyboards, jazz-rock horns, and lots of local/ethnic instrumentation and melodies integrated into the music. At times it feels more a celebration of Islam, at others like we're watching Weather Report and Herbie's Head Hunters performing on stage together. It's often quite engaging melodically, rhythmically, and at others feels cheezy and contrived to show off rather than demonstrate song writing cohesion. I enjoy this album and it's diverse music but not quite so much as their previous album from 1980.

89.0 on the Fishscales = B+/four stars; another excellent collection of folk and traditional music infused Jazz-Rock Fusion from these excellent Turkmenistani musicians. I love the successful blending of Eastern traditional music melodies, instruments, and styles with those of modern technologized Western innovations coming from the 1970s Jazz-Rock Fusion world.

GUNESH Гунеш (Gunesh)

Album · 1980 · World Fusion
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The debut album of ethnic folk-jazz-rock fusion from Turkmenistan. Reminds me of the early albums of Chilean band LOS JAIVAS.

Line-up / Musicians: - Khajiriza Ezizov / vocals - Ilyaz Redzepov / vocals - Mikhail Loguntsov / guitar - Shamamed Byashimov / keyboards - Stanislav Morozov / tenor saxophone, flute - Yusif Aliev / trombone - Alexander Stasukevich / trumpet - Shamil Kurmanov / trumpet - Vladimir Belousov / bass - Rishad Shafi / percussions

1. "Жиги-Жиги (Девушка) / The Girl" (3:42) great jazz-rock fusion rhtyhm lines with jazz-rock horns and odd 1960s-sounding group vocal singing of folk/ethnic music. (9.25/10)

2. "Туни Деря" (5:28) another set up of great, amazingly tight jazz-rock funk fusion. Then, at 0:42, everybody clears out so that an electrified traditional stringed instrument (balalaika?) steps in to solo for the next minute. It feels as if the band is all there, sitting and watching with the utmost respect as their elder tells his old tale. At 1:45 electric guitar and then drums and bass start to join in. When everybody's back in, the band sounds as if they're channelling the Mahavishnu Orchestra. By 3:00 the music has settled into a Latin-sounding rhythm pattern over which several male vocalists begin singing what feels like their traditional (Arabian) call-and-response vocals. Electric guitar takes the next solo in the fifth minute. These vocals almost sound West African! It just illustrates to me how small the planet really is--how linked are human musical traditions. (9.5/10)

3. "Акжа Кепдери / White Dove" (4:03) opens like an old blues (maybe blues-rock) song from the 1960s with full band playing low and slow while expert jazz guitar and tenor sax play with Elvis-like male vocal crooning with deeply ambiguous feeling: He's obviously expressing deep feelings; Is he sad or happy? (9/10)

4. "Восточный Сувенир / The Oriental Souvenir" (4:58) heavy rock-based music opens this one sounding like something from Larry Coryell or some Latin percussion band. Wonderful sax-marimba interplay after the bridge in the beginning of the second minute. Eventually Stanislav Morozov's sax and rest of the band drown out the tuned percussion as the band drifts into a more smoothly-flowing motif for Stan's sax to continue his wonderful soloing. Bass and drums are outstanding, as are horn section accents and banks. I'm sure that Don Ellis would be proud! (8.875/10)

5. "Кечпелек (Баллада о судьбе) / Bitter Fate / (The Ballad of Destiny)" (7:08) more Arabic-sounding vocals with some electrified oud-like instrument and percussives supporting with flurries and flourishes. After 90 seconds the rock support solidifies in a slow, dirge-like rhythm track with Hammond, electric bass, and straight-time drums. The oud-like electric guitar continues throughout all this, even when the liturgical singer cuts out, leaving a trail of perfectly tremoloed melody lines up to the odd break and transition starting at 3:55. Bass and drums get to start the next very-Andalusian-sounding section as the full bank of horns joins in. The vocalist returns, continuing in a form and style that seems to connote religious fervor. Great bass and horn play with and beneath the singer. Once he cuts out more impressive Don Ellis-like play ensues. I swear that finish is Latin American! (13.375/15)

6. "Ялан / Cheating" (2:44) part Latin/Herb Alpert-like music, part obvious local ethnic traditional music--with support of Hammond organ and horn section. (8.666667/10)

7. "Коне Гузер / At the Old Creek" (4:15) electric guitar and electric piano support the impassioned ethnic vocal of one of the outstanding lead vocalists (wish I knew which one). Great latent tension hiding within this one--tension that the electric guitar, bass guitar, drumming, and saxophone do their best to release to the wind. So many textures and emotions conveyed in this masterpiece. (9.75/10)

8. "Арманым Галды / Separation (Parting)" (3:12) opens like a traditional South American song before turning to jazz-rock at the end of the first minute. GREAT bass, drums, rhythm guitar, and horn section work beneath the lyrics that just gets better between the vocal sections. Wow! These guys can really play! (And this lead vocalist can really sing!) (9/10)

Total Time 35:30

I've heard that Gunesh's next album, released in 1984, is even better than this one!

A-/five stars; a wonderful display of traditional/ethnic music blended seemlessly, no, virtuosically, into rock and jazz-rock and Jazz-Rock Fusion forms. Definitely an experience I highly recommend for all prog lovers.

GUNESH Rishad Shafi Presents Gunesh

Boxset / Compilation · 1999 · World Fusion
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siLLy puPPy
RISHAD SHAFI PRESENTS GUNESH is a compilation album released in 1999 and contains the first two albums of the GUNESH ENSEMBLE: “Гунеш (Gunesh)” and “Вижу Землю ( I See Earth)” Previously these two albums were only available on one initial vinyl pressing and have remained rare and most likely quite pricey if you can even find one. As a lover of this type of eclectic world fusion of ethnic traditional sounds and jazz-rock, i am eternally grateful that someone took the initiative to make this music available at a reasonable price.

The one drawback to this compilation is that not only does it contain zero bonus or extra tracks, it also omits two tracks from the debut album: “Акжа Кепдери (4:03)“ and “Ялан (2:44). It also for some mysterious reason changed the titles of several tracks:


Жиги-Жиги (Девушка) (3:42) / Младший Брат · The Younger Brother

2. Туни Деряп (5:28) / Плач Шасанем · The Lamentation Of Shahsanem

3. Акжа Кепдери (4:03) / omitted

4. Восточный Сувенир (4:58) / same title (Oriental Souvenir)

5. Кечпелек (7:08) / Горькая Судьба · Bitter Fate

6. Ялан (2:44) / omitted

7. Коне Гузер (4:15) / Свидание С Милой · Date With A Sweetheart

8. Арманым Галды (3:12) / Утолённая Любовь · Requited Love

The pluses are that the packaging is bilingual in English and Russian and tells the story of the GUNESH ENSEMBLE’s history in the Soviet Union era Turkmenistan and of course that this wonderful music is available on CD! This is worth the price of admission for the second album alone but six out of eight tracks off the debut album are quite worth hearing as well. Another band that i would’ve loved to hear a few more albums from.

Album 1 = 4 stars Album 2 = 5 stars Thus 4.5 stars

GUNESH Гунеш (Gunesh)

Album · 1980 · World Fusion
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siLLy puPPy
The GUNESH ENSEMBLE (Гунеш) actually formed all the way back in 1970 and went through various lineups. In the beginning the ensemble was featured on the State TV And Radio Company Of The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, now more familiar as Turkmenistan. While the band began as a vocal group with supporting instrumentation, it was the drummer Rishad Shafi who had the itch to pursue the jazz-fusion world and attracted other members who wished to do the same.

Throughout the 70s the band entered contests throughout the Soviet Union and won first prize in many of the competitions for their highly developed take on traditional mughams and jazz improvisations. A mugham is a very complex musical art that combines classical poetry and musical improv. It is a modal system, but unlike Western systems it is not only used with scales but rather is a collection of melodies that enrich the improvisation that is enhanced for a specific event. This can mean increased intensity, rising pitches or even fusing poetic interpretation into musical form. This is a very common art form in this part of the world.

After ten long years and countless performances the GUNESH ENSEMBLE finally released their debut album Гунеш (GUNESH) in 1980. Unlike the spectacular second release and mega-masterpiece “Вижу Землю (Looking At Earth)” which dosed everything jazz-world-fusion-rock in heavy steroids, this debut release finds the band on a less ambitious journey although it is by no means a sleeper. Whereas the second album finds any global influence fair game, this one is more focused on traditional Turkmen music with a healthy jazzy horn section mixed with some veritable progressive rock which is heard mainly in the drum section as well as with the guitar. This first release has a lot more tracks focusing on vocals and harmonies which are less frantic without the playful trumpets, trombones, flutes and keyboards that dominate the instrumentals.

While this debut album by the GUNESH ENSEMBLE isn’t nearly as brilliant as the second, it is a beautiful debut that takes you to a lonely corner of the globe where very little is known to the average Westerner and extremely well progressive music like this shouldn’t be missed. This album had only one vinyl release in 1980 and is probably impossible to find but fear not. Rishad Shafi released the first two albums on CD titled “Rishad Shafi Presents Gunesh.”

GUNESH Вижу Землю (I See The Earth)

Album · 1984 · World Fusion
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Going through the tons of albums I have from Turkmenistan (ha!), I think i've found a favorite! The GUNESH ENSEMBLE (sometimes found only as Гунеш (GUNESH) was a highly eclectic and energetic group led by drummer Rishard Shafi. They were masters of jazz-fusion mixed with all things Central Asian folk including haunting chants and exotic instruments. Of course they even had a Vietnamese singer! After their first album of mostly folk material they really stepped it up and created something truly unique and unbelievable.

Вижу Землю (Looking At Earth) in an unearthly amalgation of musical majesticness. The album begins with a whispering wind and some temple bells before Russian dialogue ushers in some seriously deranged funkiness and energetic percussion and horns with some strange electronic “talking.” The jazz-fusion doesn't waste any time getting warmed up. You know you're in for a very wild ride with this one. The album continues to surprise with abrupt changes but quite capable of sustaining a beautiful melody in the form of song or chant. The interplay of 10 plus instruments may be going on at any given moment. Absent are any influences from Western bands. All sounds original and isolated like it was all created in a remote area that still hasn't made contact with the Western world. However parts do remind me of Italian avant-proggers Area and the last cut sounds like a traditional Vietnamese song meets the Mahavishnu Orchestra.

If you like eclectic world fusion then you will love this. Must hear to believe.

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