Ragtime / Jazz Related Soundtracks • United States
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Scott Joplin was "the King of Ragtime Writers," a composer who elevated "banjo piano playing," a lowly entertainment associated with saloons and brothels, into an American art form loved by millions. Born in Texas in either 1867 or 1868, Joplin was raised in Texarkana, the son of a laborer and former slave. As a child, Joplin taught himself piano on an instrument belonging to a white family that granted him access to it, and ultimately studied with a local, German-born teacher who introduced Joplin to classical music. Joplin attended high school in Sedalia, MO, a town that would serve as Joplin's home base during his most prosperous years, and where a museum now bears his name.

In 1891, the first traceable evidence of Joplin's music career is found, placing him in a minstrel troupe in Texarkana. In 1893, he played in Chicago during the Columbian Exposition was held, reportedly leading a
Thanks to EZ Money for the addition and snobb for the updates


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SCOTT JOPLIN Discography

SCOTT JOPLIN albums / top albums

SCOTT JOPLIN Ragtime Pioneer (1899-1914) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Ragtime Pioneer (1899-1914)
Ragtime 1966
SCOTT JOPLIN Scott Joplin Piano Rags (Joshua Rifkin) album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Scott Joplin Piano Rags (Joshua Rifkin)
Ragtime 1970
SCOTT JOPLIN 1916 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Ragtime 1971
SCOTT JOPLIN Ragtime Volume 2 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Ragtime Volume 2
Ragtime 1971
SCOTT JOPLIN Ragtime Vol. 3 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Ragtime Vol. 3
Ragtime 1972
SCOTT JOPLIN Piano Rags by Scott Joplin, Volume II (Joshua Rifkin) album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Piano Rags by Scott Joplin, Volume II (Joshua Rifkin)
Ragtime 1972
SCOTT JOPLIN Maple Leaf Rag And Other Rags album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Maple Leaf Rag And Other Rags
Ragtime 1974
SCOTT JOPLIN Banda Sonora Original De La Pelicula El Golpe album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Banda Sonora Original De La Pelicula El Golpe
Jazz Related Soundtracks 1974
SCOTT JOPLIN 0.00 | 0 ratings
" The Entertainer" Classic Ragtime From Rare Piano Rolls (vol.4)
Ragtime 1974
SCOTT JOPLIN Elite Syncopations (vol.5) album cover 3.50 | 2 ratings
Elite Syncopations (vol.5)
Ragtime 1974
SCOTT JOPLIN Southland Stingers, The With Ralph Grierson, George Sponhaltz ‎– Palm Leaf Rag album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Southland Stingers, The With Ralph Grierson, George Sponhaltz ‎– Palm Leaf Rag
Ragtime 1974
SCOTT JOPLIN Dick Hyman ‎– The Complete Works For Piano album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Dick Hyman ‎– The Complete Works For Piano
Ragtime 1975
SCOTT JOPLIN Excerpts From Treemonisha album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Excerpts From Treemonisha
Ragtime 1975
SCOTT JOPLIN The Entertainer (Du Film L'Arnaque) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Entertainer (Du Film L'Arnaque)
Jazz Related Soundtracks 1975
SCOTT JOPLIN Dick Hyman ‎– 16 Classic Rags album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Dick Hyman ‎– 16 Classic Rags
Ragtime 1975
SCOTT JOPLIN The Entertainer album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Entertainer
Ragtime 1983
SCOTT JOPLIN Scott Joplin Greatest Hits (feat. piano: John Arpin) album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
Scott Joplin Greatest Hits (feat. piano: John Arpin)
Ragtime 1988
SCOTT JOPLIN Scott Joplin's Rag Time (feat. piano: Scott Kirby) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Scott Joplin's Rag Time (feat. piano: Scott Kirby)
Ragtime 1989
SCOTT JOPLIN Piano Rags (Roy Eaton) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Piano Rags (Roy Eaton)
Ragtime 1997
SCOTT JOPLIN The Collected Piano Works, Volume 1 (Richard Glazier) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Collected Piano Works, Volume 1 (Richard Glazier)
Ragtime 2000
SCOTT JOPLIN The Complete Rags, Marches, Waltzes & Songs (feat. piano: Guido Nielsen) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Complete Rags, Marches, Waltzes & Songs (feat. piano: Guido Nielsen)
Ragtime 2002
SCOTT JOPLIN Piano Rags (feat. piano: Alexander Peskanov) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Piano Rags (feat. piano: Alexander Peskanov)
Ragtime 2004
SCOTT JOPLIN Rags to Riches: The Essential Hits (feat. piano: Robert Strickland) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Rags to Riches: The Essential Hits (feat. piano: Robert Strickland)
Ragtime 2005
SCOTT JOPLIN The Complete Piano Works Of Scott Joplin / Richard Dowling, pianist album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Complete Piano Works Of Scott Joplin / Richard Dowling, pianist
Ragtime 2017


SCOTT JOPLIN live albums

SCOTT JOPLIN New England Conservatory Ragtime Ensemble, The Conducted By Gunther Schuller ‎– The Red Back Book (aka Scott Joplin: Ragtime Classics) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
New England Conservatory Ragtime Ensemble, The Conducted By Gunther Schuller ‎– The Red Back Book (aka Scott Joplin: Ragtime Classics)
Ragtime 1973

SCOTT JOPLIN demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

SCOTT JOPLIN re-issues & compilations

SCOTT JOPLIN Piano Works: 1899 - 1904 (Dick Hyman) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Piano Works: 1899 - 1904 (Dick Hyman)
Ragtime 1988
SCOTT JOPLIN King of Ragtime Writers album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
King of Ragtime Writers
Ragtime 1989
SCOTT JOPLIN The Scott Joplin Story album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Scott Joplin Story
Ragtime 1989
SCOTT JOPLIN Joshua Rifkin, The Southland Stingers : Wall Street Rag / The Southland Stingers album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Joshua Rifkin, The Southland Stingers : Wall Street Rag / The Southland Stingers
Ragtime 1989
SCOTT JOPLIN Complete Works (feat. piano: Richard Zimmerman) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Complete Works (feat. piano: Richard Zimmerman)
Ragtime 1993
SCOTT JOPLIN Scott Joplin: His Complete Works (feat. piano: Richard Zimmerman) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Scott Joplin: His Complete Works (feat. piano: Richard Zimmerman)
Ragtime 1994
SCOTT JOPLIN Scott Joplin's Piano Rags album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Scott Joplin's Piano Rags
Ragtime 1994
SCOTT JOPLIN The Genius of Scott Joplin album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Genius of Scott Joplin
Ragtime 1994
SCOTT JOPLIN The Complete Rags of Scott Joplin (performer William Albright) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Complete Rags of Scott Joplin (performer William Albright)
Ragtime 1995
SCOTT JOPLIN The Entertainer: The Very Best of Scott Joplin album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Entertainer: The Very Best of Scott Joplin
Ragtime 1997
SCOTT JOPLIN The Complete Piano Music of Scott Joplin (feat. piano: John Arpin) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Complete Piano Music of Scott Joplin (feat. piano: John Arpin)
Ragtime 1997
SCOTT JOPLIN The Gold Collection: Original Rags by Scott Joplin, Played by the Composer album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Gold Collection: Original Rags by Scott Joplin, Played by the Composer
Ragtime 1998
SCOTT JOPLIN The Complete Rags of Scott Joplin, Volume 1 (feat. piano: Scott Kirby) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Complete Rags of Scott Joplin, Volume 1 (feat. piano: Scott Kirby)
Ragtime 1998
SCOTT JOPLIN The Gold Collection album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Gold Collection
Ragtime 1998
SCOTT JOPLIN Super Hits (feat. pedal harpsichord: E. Power Biggs) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Super Hits (feat. pedal harpsichord: E. Power Biggs)
Ragtime 2000
SCOTT JOPLIN Best of Scott Joplin: 50 Ragtime Favorites album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Best of Scott Joplin: 50 Ragtime Favorites
Ragtime 2002
SCOTT JOPLIN The Entertainer album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
The Entertainer
Ragtime 2003
SCOTT JOPLIN Ragtime Piano Roll album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Ragtime Piano Roll
Ragtime 2007

SCOTT JOPLIN singles (0)

SCOTT JOPLIN movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)


SCOTT JOPLIN Elite Syncopations (vol.5)

Album · 1974 · Ragtime
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siLLy puPPy
Ragtime has the honor of being called the very first truly American musical genre and emerged in the 1890s by Ernest Hogan who traveled in minstrel shows as a dancer, musician and comedian. He was the first to add African polyrhythms to the popular march music that was popularized by John Philip Sousa. In 1895 Hogan released many published songs that he actually named ragtime. Perhaps forgotten in history due to the unsavory racial stereotypes that he used in his works and biggest hit “All Coons Look Alike To Me,” he nonetheless opened the doors to other artists who would evolve the syncopation in ragtime to the myriad forms of jazz that would emerge in the 20th century.

Although Hogan invented it, it was SCOTT JOPLIN who is indubitably the most widely known and crowned king of the ragtime sound and managed to write 44 original rags from 1899 to 1917 in his short life (born 1868 died 1917). JOPLIN hit the big time with one of his early pieces the “Maple Leaf Rag” which is perhaps the most popular rag in all of music history. JOPLIN didn’t just merely copy the form but earned his place in history by refining and elevating the style above the early forms that were associated with the vulgar and unsavory elements in the world of entertainment of the day. JOPLIN achieved this by his exposure to European polkas, 19th century European romanticism as well as the African-American styles ranging from work songs and gospels to spirituals and dances.

Out of the many compilations out that don the SCOTT JOPLIN moniker, most if not all are interpretations of his music by other artists with those by Joshua Rifkin perhaps being the most popular and widely available. On this compilation titled ELITE SYNCOPATIONS - CLASSIC RAGTIME FROM RARE PIANO ROLLS released on the Biograph label on vinyl in 1974 and then released in 1987 on CD with a different track order and four extra songs, we get one of the few releases where JOPLIN actually plays his own music, well at least on the three opening tracks “Maple Leaf Rag,” “Ole Miss Rag (written by W.C.Handy)” and “Magnetic Rag.” Unfortunately there is a huge gap because many of JOPLIN’s rags were not originally issued on piano rolls which was the storage medium of the day used to operate a player piano.

Unfortunately only about six of the original piano rolls from JOPLIN’s times survive and as a result the remaining rolls featured on this release were produced by the serious collector Hal Boulware all the way back in the 1960s who painstakingly reproduced the scores faithfully to original print with all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed for authenticity’s sake. That is the purpose of this compilation - to faithfully restore the lost gaps in JOPLIN’s history and present them as originally intended. ELITE SYNCOPATIONS will not sound much different than any other compilation released by other musicians playing, but if one listens attentively there are subtle differences just as one would here in any piece of music interpreted by different performers. The main difference here is the inclusion of actually pieces by JOPLIN as well as the desire to be as faithful to the original written scores as possible. This is a perfect beginner’s album as well as one of the serious collector despite not being a fully comprehensive release of all 44 songs.

Personally i like this album as much as any JOPLIN release. It neither exceeds nor detracts from the many compilations released over the years. It simply clears the cobwebs out of the vaults and introduces the listener to some of the lesser known tracks of JOPLIN’s career. I am a fan of ragtime, but i have to admit that listening to an hour of it shows the limitations of its style and the inevitable need for its evolution into stride piano and beyond in the greater jazz world. Nevertheless a pretty good album that celebrates the very first American musical genre that took the world by storm at the dawn of the 20th century.

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