Canardière is the third EP of the canadian trio EDO. This is, in fact, a 16 minute long composition divided in eight segments. The music is an original mix of organic instrumentation with keyboards based in chiptune music – in other words, music inspired by old video games soundtracks (think about the 8-bits/16-bits era of videogames consoles). There's even a track (6e avenue) that reminds the songs of the “boss battles”! Sorry, folks, I think that only the gamers will understand this!
Ok, but the music is actually good? Yes, it is! Very groovy, almost dancing sometimes, with good use of bass and drums (the percussion is very present through the album), and many little details which the listener will only notice after some spins. This EP is avaliable at Edo's Bandcamp through the name-your-price system (including zero), so what are you waiting for? Get your copy and have some fun! Recommendded for fans of jazz rock who don't care about the use of electronics.